
36.85494, 28.27088

Marmaris Travel Guide

City Map

City Introduction

Marmaris is one of the many popular holiday destinations along the Turkish south coast, and on a trip here you are treated to beautiful nature, where Marmamis lies in the middle of the sea and the mountains.

There are many experiences in the city, which has attracted settlers since ancient times. The natural harbor has thus been the center of life in the area for centuries, and in 1522 Süleiman the Great built Marmaris’ castle, which can still be seen in the center of the city.

Marmaris, with its lovely beaches, mild climate and historically very interesting surroundings, is one of Turkey’s leading and most modern resorts, and many choose to relax at the hotels, swimming pools and the inviting beaches that line the entire center.

Marmaris also offers many varied activities outside the city, where the beautiful natural scenery can not least be experienced from the lake side on board one of the city’s many boats that sail to islands and other beautiful places from the city’s marina.

Top Attractions

Marmaris Castle
Marmaris Kalesi

For millennia, there have been defenses in the settlements at Marmaris, and the first actual fortress was founded by the Ionians. The current castle dates from 1522, when Sultan Süleiman the Great had the existing one heavily expanded in connection with his planned invasion of Rhodes by the Crusaders.

In 1914, the castle was partially destroyed by bombardment from a French warship. Major restoration work was carried out in 1980-1990, and the work brought the castle back to its original 16th century style and construction. On a visit to the castle, you can enjoy both the old facilities and the beautiful view over the bay of Marmaris and parts of the city from the elevated castle.


Archaeological Museum
Museum of Archaeology

In Marmaris Castle you can visit the archaeological department of Marmaris Museum. It is a museum that exhibits various archaeological finds and artifacts from the Bronze Age through Roman and Byzantine times to the present day.

There are several halls in the museum, where you can, among other things, can see a dedicated collection from Marmaris and the area around the city. There are also finds from excavations elsewhere; e.g. from the ancient Greek city of Knidos, which was located on the Datça peninsula.


Marmaris Marina

Opposite the old part of Marmaris is the city’s large marina. The harbor, like the rest of the city, is very beautiful between the sea and the surrounding mountains, and in the marina you can simply enjoy the atmosphere or visit the shops and eateries located in the area around the harbor itself.

From the marina, you can also take boat trips to some of the countless small bays and islands outside the city, where one beautiful natural experience replaces the other. Yildiz Adasi, Turunc, Kumlubük and Ciftlik are some of the most popular places. There are also boats to Fosforlu Magara, which means Phosphorous Cave. It is a unique experience close to Marmaris.



The modern Içmeler was built immediately outside Marmaris itself as a new holiday area, where there is a lot of greenery and many flowers, trees and a nice atmosphere. Historically, Içmeler is a place that has attracted people due to its springs, which, however, are no longer publicly accessible.

In Içmeler is the Sanat Sokagi street, where you can buy local handicrafts and paintings from Marmaris artists. Immediately by Sanat Sokagi is Içmeler’s city park, which is a very interesting and varied park that almost resembles a small botanical garden.

Other Attractions

Day Trips

Paradise Island
Cennet Adası

The island of Cennet Adası, which is actually connected to the mainland, stretches across from Marmaris town and is a short boat ride away. The nature of the island attracts many visitors, and you can get there by road, but more popular, and a great experience in itself, is to take a boat trip there.

At the wharf area where boats arrive from Marmaris, there are some eateries. From here there are several hiking trails, where you feel good out in nature, and in a number of places in the area there are some fantastic views over the water and to Marmaris.



Bozburun is located on the southernmost part of the area’s mainland, and a trip here means a nice walk in nature. From Bozburun you can go to the top of Asar mountain, a trip of about 1 hour. From here there is a fine view, and it is also here that the ruins of the ancient city of Larymna are located. The ruins are few, but it is exciting to imagine the life of earlier times here.

The trip to Bozburun is both beautiful and interesting. On the trip you will come to Bayir, which was built on top of the former city of Syrna. On the site of the city’s mosque, there was originally a temple. After Bayir you can drive to the beautiful nature of Ciftlik. The beaches here are special because of their sand quality, and you can also see the beautiful Selale waterfall. The drop itself is 3-4 metres, and below the water forms a small refreshing lake that you can swim in.



Over the past millennia, Köycegiz has been known for its baths – which you can also experience today. The Sultaniye Spa is located immediately outside Köycegiz. You can drive or sail there. The water in the bath is 39°C, and it contains a number of health-giving minerals.

Beyond the Sultanie spa lies the ancient city of Kaunos. Here are some ruins that originate from a theatre, the city’s acropolis, etc. Kaunos is also home to the area’s mud baths, which are supposed to be good for the skin.



Like Marmaris, Bodrum is a popular holiday town, and at the same time the place is world-renowned as Halikarnassos, where one of the seven wonders of antiquity stood. The natural beauty of the city and the area is overwhelming, and already Homer wrote in laudatory terms about the place.

In the middle of Bodrum lies the excavation of this one of the wonders of the ancient world. The mausoleum was built for King Mausolos of Caria in the 3rd century BC. Mausolos’ queen and sister had the leading architects of the time build the unique tomb, which was destroyed during a major earthquake in the area. Most of the building stones were later used to build Bodrum Fortress. The museum in the excavation area gives visitors a fine impression of the building’s dimensions, and its history is depicted.

You can also see the city’s fortress, located in the middle of the harbor. It is also called St. Peter’s Fortress, and it was built in the 15th century by Crusaders from the nearby island of Rhodes. Construction took 99 years. Today, the fortress is set up as a museum for underwater archaeology, and quite exciting finds are exhibited here, e.g. the large amphora collection from a sunken ship. The museum is the largest of its kind in the world.


Rhodes, Greece


Rhodes was originally populated from Asia Minor before the Phoenicians came here around 2000 BC. 500 years later, the Minoans immigrated from Crete, and they founded the island’s first cities, Ialisos, Kamiros and Lindos. The city of Rhodes was established as the island’s overall capital in 408 BC, and in the 200s BC. the Colossus of Rhodes was built. Later, the Romans and the Order of St. John ruled, which left a big mark on the island and the city of Rhodes. Since 1948, the island has been part of Greece.

Today, Rhodes’ old town lies down towards the harbor and behind the impressive fortress walls that the Johannites built all around the city from 1309. The walls are beautifully preserved with many impressive city gates along the approx. four kilometers that the walls measure. Behind the walls, you will find the city’s many great sights in the exciting labyrinth of streets that make up the district, which is collectively included on UNESCO’s list of world cultural heritage as a unique medieval city.

Read more about Rhodes


Blue Port

Kemal Seyfettin Elgin Blv. 47


Caprice Premium Mall

508. Sk. 9



507. Sk. 2


Netsel Marina Shopping

Netsel Marina

With Kids

Water park

Atlantis Suparkı
Uzunyalı Caddesi 209


Water park

Aqua Dream Water Park
Çavdar Boyu Caddesi



Go-Kart Marmaris
Çavdar Boyu Caddesi

City History

Marmaris’ original name was Physkos, and the city was laid out as a port in the Caria area. It is not established when the settlement of the area began, but the history of the city itself is believed to go back to 900 BC, when the Cretan Carians ruled.

Physkos’ location was strategically very attractive due to its natural harbor that could be used militarily. The city thus also became the starting point for hostilities against the Phoenicians and various Greek island states. Caria stagnated and civilization here was threatened around 300 BC, when the area was subject to various powers at short intervals – Egyptians, Assyrians, Ionians and Dorians.

The Greek Dorians changed Caria’s status to a total of nine independent colonial cities. Among the most important cities were Knidos on the west coast of the Datca peninsula and Halicarnassus, known today for the tomb of King Mausolos, one of the seven wonders of the world.

In 138 BC the kings of Pergamon had ruled the area of ​​Caria for almost 100 years. King Attalos III handed Physkos over to the Roman Empire, which came to rule the city from the Roman administrative center of Rhodes.

Physkos became subject to the Ottoman Empire in 1425, but it was only under the Ottoman Sultan Süleiman the Great that large buildings from this period were erected in Physkos.

In 1522, during the expansion of the Ottomans, and on the way to the Crusaders on nearby Rhodes, Süleiman built the Great Marmaris Castle, which is still centrally located in the city.

It was from the fortress and the harbor of Physkos that Süleiman the Great set sail for Rhodes. 700 ships with 60,000 men were gathered, and they were united here with the 140,000 men who had migrated here from Istanbul.

The still-existing Karvansaray inn was also built during the reign of Süleiman the Great, while later Ottomans e.g. built mosques in the city. Thus, the Ibrahim Aga Mosque was built in 1789.

Under Sultan Kanuni Süleiman, the city was renamed Mimaras, which later developed into today’s Marmaris.
Earlier in history, Marmaris had been used to assemble troops before a raid. In 1798, English Lord Nelson assembled his fleet here before setting sail for Egypt.

After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, there was a governmental vacuum in the Marmaris area as in the rest of Turkey.

Between 1919 and 1921, Marmaris came under Italian control and Italian troops were deployed in the area. After the establishment of the modern Turkish Republic, Italy withdrew again and Marmaris became part of the new Turkey.

Until 1980, Marmaris was a quiet Turkish fishing town that lived a quiet life. Then the big tourist development started, and the city got all modern tourist facilities within a short number of years.

The city expanded, and several holiday resorts were established along the coast, not least Içmeler, which lies directly next to Marmaris. Içmeler is established as a very green city, which makes it very popular, and from here it is never far to Marmaris’ charming old town.

Marmaris’ great maritime role, which had already manifested itself in the early Physkos era, has been re-established in recent years, this time only in a more modern way. The city has one of Turkey’s largest marinas, and it is the center of yachting on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. Every year in May and October, large maritime festivals are held.


In short

Marmaris, Turkey Marmaris, Turkey[/caption]

Overview of Marmaris

Marmaris is one of the many popular holiday destinations along the Turkish south coast, and on a trip here you are treated to beautiful nature, where Marmamis lies in the middle of the sea and the mountains.

There are many experiences in the city, which has attracted settlers since ancient times. The natural harbor has thus been the center of life in the area for centuries, and in 1522 Süleiman the Great built Marmaris’ castle, which can still be seen in the center of the city.

About the Whitehorse travel guide

Contents: Tours in the city + tours in the surrounding area
Published: Released soon
Author: Stig Albeck
Language: English

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